It all goes by in a blip! Our little humans grow up and forge paths of their own and shine their light in the world. They learn about friendships and in some cases. the lack thereof. They experience challenges and disappointments of their own, and with each one, a tear in our hearts. We hope and pray that we did good by them and for them, and that we did our part to rear good humans. For most parents, this is probably the most emotional moment in their child's life. With our continued hopes for their future, we share in the collective sigh of relief and the uncertainty of what's next.



It's in all the commencement speeches. We glaze over it but it's the common theme for all of our lives. We have to get up and get at it if we want to see the fruits of our labor.

Friend, I'm here to tell you to pause to Celebrate and Capture the memories of your accomplishments.

Congratulations, Grad! You're on your way to do amazing things and I am rooting for you!

BTW: Your Professional Headshots are included with your Grad Session! Woop Woop! Hope to see you soon!